Monday, December 5, 2011

For the second project I tried to improve my Revit model, by implementing three new ideas using API programming.

My goal was to use CSharp to manipulate the parameters in the curtain panel, which I wasn't able to work with only using Revit. my three implementations are :
Give the inside frames in the panels random sizes.
Give the inside frames' color a random value of color in a specific range from white to grey.
Give the outside frames' color a random value of color in a specific range from white to grey.

First, we create two materials by asking the Material class , for the two materials that we are going to use further on for our curtain panels.

//Create the material

ElementId materialId = Material.Create(familyDoc, "My Material" + m);
// adding random m to avoid same names used when running the program multiple times.
material = familyDoc.get_Element(materialId) as Material;
ElementId materialId2 = Material.Create(familyDoc, "My Material_2" + m); 
// adding random m to avoid same names used when running the program multiple times.
material2 = familyDoc.get_Element(materialId2) as Material;

Then we specify the curtain panel instances, in an int array named IDS
IDS = new int[] {4105,4106,...,4426};

After that we call the SetLengthAndMaterial function using the two materials and the IDS We will explain the SetLengthAndMaterial function in a short while.
SetLengthAndMaterial(IDS, familyDoc, material, material2);

The function SetLengthAndMaterial does the followings for every ID that it is passed to:
  1. region 1 : Obtains the parameters "length", "Frame material", and "outframe material".
  2. region 2 : calculates new values for these parameters
    1. finds a random number for length from the set of {1, 3, 5, 7} feet.
    2. fins a random number in the range of [120, 255) and sets it as red, green, and blue elements of the color that will be assigned to both materials
  3. region 3 : sets the parameters to the calculated values
#region 1 Get instance parameters of the objects
Parameter panelLengthParam = panelInstance.get_Parameter("length");
Parameter panelMaterialParam = panelInstance.get_Parameter("Frame material");
Parameter panelMaterial2Param = panelInstance.get_Parameter("outframe material");
#region 2 Calculates new values
int[] random_size = { 1357 };
double length = random_size[(byte)random.Next(04)];
byte red = (byte)random.Next(120255);
Material myMaterial = material.Duplicate("My Material " + m + "-" + n);
Material myMaterial2 = material.Duplicate("My Material_2 " + m + "-" + n);
myMaterial.Color = new Color(red, red, red);
myMaterial2.Color = new Color(red, red, red);
#region 3 Set parameters of objects using new values

When this code is executed on the project, the outcome is as follows


